BioChem carries out Intelligent Dosing Phosphorus Removal System (IDPRS) solution to meet the requirement of severe standard of phosphorus discharge.
Based the philosophy that “going too far is as bad as not going far enough”, BioChem’s IDPRS system intelligently adjust phosphorus removal chemical dosage according to individual case of varies WWTP.
IDPRS communicates with WWTP Automation system with Industrial Ethernet or plant bus.
IDPRS will calculate the dosage of phosphorus remove chemical through the mature mathematical model with the reference of the variation of orthophosphate and flowrate of raw water.
System is integrated with software, hardware and related instruments, equipment.
In this mode, the controller and the controlee only have the feed forward control relationship. The benefit of the mode is the fast responding of the inlet load.
In this mode, controller and the controlee have both feed forward and feed backward control relationship. The benefit of this mode is high efficiency and robustness.